Tuesday, October 14, 2008

happy birthday sweet girl

Guess who is turning 20 Friday? Good guess, but it isn't me.
Nicole has been planning, talking about and making lists for a month. She has bought birthday dresses, had her hair done and made guests lists. She has not outgrown the daily trip to the mailbox to see if she has received any cards. This girl makes me laugh. Imagine the lists that are going to be involved when she is anticipating her wedding?!
Jordan has been sick for a week now. I think it started out as allergies but has since moved into a sore throat and constant cough. All he can manage to do is play video games and WOW. Think the doctor can cure him of that?
Chelsea is for sale this week if anyone needs a tall, too smart for her own good, independant 18 year old. She has been grounded for a month and that got her cell phone and car taken away on top of that. She out maneuvers me and out thinks me in a blink of an eye. Ugh!!


  1. bottoms family said...
    Happy birthday Nicole!!!!! Big 20!!!!
    Unknown said...
    We sure hope it was a super day for you! Won't you e-mail me your information regarding your celebration...your cell# too and I can talk with you. I had a great card but can't find it so please forgive my absent mindedness and accept our love and happiness for you.

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