Monday, November 24, 2008

Yay, Long Lines!!

James and I decided to go to the Travis County Democratic Election Party in downtown Austin Novemeber 4th so that I could take pictures for my class. I got lucky because our class was a week behind everyone else, so that week our assignment ended up being News Stories. We thought we would go where the excitement and the crowds would be and off we went. When we arrived there was line to get in the Driskill Hotel and we had to wait about 30 minutes to get in. Only being able to see a long line in front of us and not knowing how long the wait was going to be, I start chatting up everyone around me trying to find out if anyone knows more then I do about what is going on. The girl infront of me starts asking me questions back and pretty soon has taken out her pad of paper and is writing all my answers down. Just when I start to think that she is a little crazy she tells me that she is the editor of a college paper and wants to quote me in it (whatever Crazy-One!). It turns out that we attend the same college and her photgrapher didn't show up so she asks if I would mind sending her my pictures. I do and they use one. So I got my first credited picture (on page 3) in the ACC school newspaper. They also asked me to join their staff if I'm interested. So... now ya'll will have to call me Sheli-the Staff-Photgrapher!


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